Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Several points you should consider before overtaking or preceding another car safely

Overtaking or precedes another car on the highway would have you normally do. Especially if you're used to speeding, and again deserted road conditions. But make no mistake, if you want to be called as a good rider, overtaking that there are rules you know.

Overtaking a vehicle in front of us, not just pressing the horn and pick up speed. There overtake his ethics, not only for reasons of driving manners, but also for the sake of safety and to avoid fatal accidents.

When will overtake, do not forget to also give the code to other riders so that they are not surprised by the movement of our car. Note also the sign lights car right that we wish to precede. When the light of his sign blinking, postpone intention precedes. It could be a sign it's a sign that there is a vehicle from the opposite direction, or the car in front was about to veer to the right or even overtake the vehicle in front. Check the rearview mirror to monitor the condition of the car behind us.

There are several things to note. Make sure the road conditions are conducive, and allows you ahead of the car in front. Also make sure you use the right lane to pass, and the strip is in a state of quiet and safe. Do not overtake through the left lane, left lane because sometimes there are pedestrians, merchants or other vehicles are stopped.

Use low gear when overtaking (lowering the transmission a lower level). The goal is that maximum torque is reached so that more vehicles faster vehicle acceleration. Do not overtake on the uphill terrain, or when the car will enter the bend. Note also the road markings, if you want to precede (moving column). Do not switch lanes to overtake or if there is no sign of a long line dashed.

We should not forget, we also must have a high tolerance when another vehicle is asked to be given the opportunity to make ahead. Give them a chance especially when the vehicle is a vehicle that was carrying out firefighting duties, the ambulance was transporting a sick person, a vehicle to provide assistance in traffic accidents, vehicle heads of state or a foreign government who was the guest of the state, as well as introductory procession corpse.

Be careful if there is another vehicle behind the car ahead to follow your steps. Set the distance and do not rush to slow down, because vehicles that come ahead of needed space to get into the left lane. Do not honk excessively distant or lights that can provoke the rider in front of us. Be alert to other vehicles, especially two-wheelers.