Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Mercedes W140's grinded by an armored troop carriers BTR eight-wheeled type

"This will happen if your car is parked haphazardly," he threatened. The incident occurred on Saturday (31 / 7) then.

Lithuania - Mayor of Vilnius, Lithuania, driving an armored troop carriers BTR eight-wheeled type. He drove in front of a Mercedes W140 sedan parked in the bicycle lane and then grinding it.

Mercedes W140's grinded by an armored troop carriers BTR eight-wheeled type

Arturas Zuokas, the mayor, warned the citizens that does not mean you are rich and have fancy cars, then it could park at will.

As a result of the action roll, the roof of the Mercedes W140 silvery blue crushed. The roof and frame ambles into the front-rear glass was detached from its body.

However, no one claimed over act "crazy" the Mayor. Because this event is really just part of a campaign against the use of the parking lot. The campaign is arguably extreme was made because many car owners often overlook the city's parking area and choose at random, including a special track bike.

Should this how apparently if you want to give a warning to those "ignorant" today?