Friday, August 12, 2011

Katie Price loves pink cars collection, including electric cars

ENGLAND, - Reality show star who soared after appearing topless in a mass media recognize it, but it also can not be sure when the release of special cars will be released to the public. "We have not made a press conference about the launch of this so I can not give any information. But I can tell, the car will be pink and black, and affordable," he said as quoted by femalefirst in a fashion show on Sunday (7 / 8 / 2011).

Katie Price loves pink cars collection, including electric cars

British TV star, model, and singer Katie Price is a collectors car. Uniquely, the cars dilaburi pink. It will even be releasing a special car at a price of "affordable". One of the uniqueness of the car that he would release may be guessed from kegemarannnya whitewash his collection of cars with these colors.

Bugatti addition, Katie also has a Range Rover, Volkswagen Beetle, and scooters are all pink.

Problem "affordable", it seems necessary to give quotes to clarify the intent of the word. Because one of the collection of cars "pinky" Katie is the Bugatti Veyron. She painted and slightly modify a limited edition sports car that costs 80,000 pounds at Project Kahn, Bradford, northern England. Cost that makes the eye rotates two or three times just for a paint and simple modifications.

Katie Price loves pink cars collection, including electric cars