Sunday, August 7, 2011

Hyundai considers to annex Opel

BERLIN - Hyundai is currently having trouble finding a new human resources to develop its plant in Nosovice, Czech Republic. Opel's considered to be able to provide solutions to the problems faced by Hyundai. The reason, Opel has an experienced thousands of engineers. By annexing Opel, Hyunda not have to spend a lot of time to the training process.

Hyundai considers to annex Opel

According to German tabloid, Autobild, Hyundai's ambition to annex Opel. Dikemukan analysis, Hyundai is a brand that developed very rapidly in Europe and require a new engineer in research and development center in Russelsheim, who also became the center of Opel.

Hearing the information, Volkswagen was struck. "If Opel is sold to a Chinese company, we did not. But, if Hyundai, have to be resolved," said one senior VW, which reported yesterday thetruthaboutcars.

Actually, VW has expressed interest to buy GM for Opel. VW Chief Financial Officer Hans Dieter Potsch already launched its bid to GM without a known value. Since there is no agreement, the bid price has not been sufficiently estimated.

When VW's plans do not go smoothly, the management of this plan leaked to the media. Meanwhile, GM's CEO, Dan Akerson Opel rejected a plan to sell within two months. Because the GM full overseen by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission).

Assess VW, Hyundai will be the biggest stumbling block in the world. Martin Winterkorn, VW boss says, "South Korea's moves more brutal than the Japanese, attacking all over the world."

"If And Akerson not claim to sell, but then do it, could be threatened with punishment," said automotive analyst Germany, Stefan Bratzel.