Saturday, August 27, 2011

GfK survey reveals that public of United States is not open to buy cars from China and India yet

USA - GfK survey findings Barometer of Automotive Awareness and Imagery Study, mentioning China and India car today as well as the Korean brand car when it was first introduced in the middle of the U.S. audience.

GfK survey reveals that public of United States is not open to buy cars from China and India yet

Manufacturers of cars from India and China seem to be working hard to raise the prestige of his vehicle in the eyes of U.S. society. For the study indicate if the U.S. public is not open to buy cars from China and India as a production car Tata, Mahindra and BYD.

In the near companies such as BYD (China), Chery (China) and Mahindra (India) expressed the intention to launch the product in the United States. But the seriousness they would not seem to help.

"But we want to add quality, performance, safety and reliability of the model that makes us different. And Hyundai initially lagged but the time was changed due to the company for 15 years showed kekompetitifiannya to the community," said automotive company GfK.

Because as reported economictimes on Friday (08/26/2011) it took 15 years for the U.S. to increase their confidence in the Korean vehicle. And the case was currently being jammed car companies from India and China are about to enter the U.S. car market.

From the results it found only 38 percent of respondents who would consider buying a car from China and 30 percent of vehicles from India. While 95 percent are only interested in buying from the U.S., 76 percent of German manufacturers, 75 percent of Japanese vehicles and 49 percent Korean.

These results are different from the younger generation of U.S. origin. The younger generation in the U.S. is more open and interested in buying cars from the Bamboo Curtain and India, with 52 percent saying they would consider a car from China and 41 percent is open to cars from India.

Hence from these results signify the seriousness of both manufacturers need to occupy the heart of U.S. society. Not only because they are inexpensive but durability, reliable security features and reliability is also a calculation of the consumer. Such as Hyundai which has shown its quality in the U.S..