Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Electric cars of "Range Extender" relies on Wave Disc Generator for top perfomance

Range Extender, but to rely on electric motors and batteries as a mover and energy source, is also accompanied by a conventional engine (motor fuel). Nevertheless, the task of the machine just to turn a generator that produces electricity for the next stored or used directly.

Electric cars "Range Extender" increasingly attractive to some producers. Especially as the short and medium term solution to get to the pure electric vehicle in 2050. Electric Car Range Extender is the new name for the series hybrid that combines an electric motor with a gasoline or diesel engine (it could be a gas-fueled).

Manufacturers interested in Range Extender for mileage car with a one-time fill the fuel tank farther away. If the electric car is only 160 km and it took a long time to recharge the batteries, with electric Range Extender can be run continuously and a distance of up to 600 km.

Electric Car Range Exterder today generally use the conventional engine (combustion piston) which is still considered inefficient. Besides, has not attempted more efficient, the cost is expensive. The reason, the gasoline engine now (especially diesel), composed of many moving parts and a bit complicated. Therefore, the engineers try to continue to create a more efficient engine dam concise.

One machine is considered okay - still in testing phase - is the result of the development from Michigan State University (MSU), East Slim, Michigan, United States. This machine was engineered and developed by Dr.. Norbert Müller and named "Disc Wave Generator" (WDG) or "Wavy Disc Generator "

According to Drs. Müller machine is perfect paired with an electric motor as a power source or drive hybrid cars or the Range Extender. Actually, not this time Dr. Müller promote penempuan and machine concepts. This machine has been introduced since plainly, precisely from 2009 (with videos on You Tube).

Now, as said by Müller, the machine is just waiting for the manufacture of final components and is expected to be tried early next year. Otherwise, this machine will create a revolution in the world otomitif. Because the compact size, compact construction and the most interesting, three-fold efficiency piston engine now.

This machine last April, is also fairly heavily promoted and was written by a variety of automotive media, MSU Development genar done, because beruapa funds directly support 2.5 million dollars from the U.S. Department of Energy.

How it Works
After running many years of research, the final version of this engine's also showed. Consisting of a metal disc with wavy lines or radial canals in it. The middle machine is the rotor that spins on its exterior. Quite interestingly, the size of the canal is made with high precision.

Fuel and air mixture into the dish through the middle. When the disc or the disc spins, the channel or groove on the outside of the closed section. This is causing high back pressure (shock wave). Back pressure is forcing air and fuel mixture is compressed, the same as the compression stroke the piston engine back and forth.

At the end of the compression stroke spark ignited. Air and fuel mixture to burn. There was an expansion of power to the rotor (wheel) which opens the suction and exhaust channels. Flue gas exit, while the new mixture immediately sucked up to repeat the process. All this happened very quickly.

"Our target with this machine to make hybrid vehicles more efficient and able to meet consumer demands, namely the distance farther, 800 miles. Car prices are also getting cheaper, but more functional (can be accelerated on the highway). Operational costs are also much cheaper, "explained Müller about the characteristics and prospects of the engine.

Added, this machine can reduce carbon dioxide emissions to 95 percent compared to combustion engines in use today.

The development team now instead focus MSU manipulate these machines for automotive applications. Because it does not use pistons plus its compact construction, the machine is fit to play the electric generator. Now the machines are still being developed to reduce emissions as low as possible.

"The prototype is tested and used in producing power 25 kW (33.5 PS) and will continue to be developed until the end of this year.

Few Components
Excess machine like that is similar to the shape pengorengan or skillet with corrugated grooves in it, considered inefficient because of fewer moving parts. Understandably this machine does not require a crank shaft, shaft bumbungan, piston, piston, valves and drive as well, and cooling. Thus, maintenance costs so cheap.

Meanwhile, Audi also has developed an electric car on the A1 Range Extender e-tron (electric cars) using 500 cc Wankel engine is also considered more practical and compact. Currently for vehicles sold to the public, or Wankel rotary engine is only used by the Mazda RX-8.

The U.S. media gave rave reviews of research on this machine and hope to soon be realized. Moreover, in the country, the price of expensive oil. They are also proud because this machine is the invention of its citizens. Previously, many automotive engineis invented by Europe  expert, especially Germany!

Electric cars "Range Extender"  relies on Wave Disc  Generator for top perfomance