Monday, August 15, 2011

Catwoman or Selina Kyle, will be played by Anne Hattaway using the Bat-Pod motorcycle

LOS ANGELES - Catwoman or Selina Kyle, will be played by Anne Hattaway. Warner Bros. released a picture of Hathaway using the Bat-Pod motorcycle. A vehicle with high-tech feel, which fits ride Catwoman with black leather suit.
Catwoman or Selina Kyle, will be played by Anne Hattaway using the Bat-Pod motorcycle

Batman's not just the action using the vehicle cool. Catwoman is present in the sequel The Dark Knight Rises, will drive using the Bat-Pod motorcycle.

Catwoman this time a little different than before. Catwoman still using the mask, only cover the eyes just like Robin. In the film Catwoman steals told Bat-Pod, from Batman.

Action film will be released in theaters across the United States in summer 2012. Christian Bale will play as Bruce Wayne and Gary Oldman returns as Commissioner, Gordon