Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Car accident happens due to several causes which actually we could predict

The results of World Health Organization (WHO) as reported by sixwise.com, Friday, July 22, 2011 shows every year no less than 1.2 million people died in highway accidents. In fact, the agency estimates, in 2020 the number of accidents will increase by 65 percent.

Car accident happens due to several causes which actually we could predict

Accidents on the highway is still frequent. In fact, the accident rate remains high in spite of signs and traffic control system has been improved though.

This was in line with the increasingly overcrowded highways. Therefore, provide an understanding of all people about safe driving behavior becomes a must do.

"The threat of safety in driving on the highway from his true self," the statement a team of researchers from the National Highway Safety Agency (NHTSA) United States.

Therefore, pay attention to the root cause of the accident was the wisest move. So what causes it? Here are the results of the NHTSA study:

1. Impaired concentration due to the phone, reading, typing an SMS
Results of research conducted by NHTSA, the American Automobile Association, and Virginia Commonwealth University showed similar results. As many as 25-50 percent of accidents due to disruption of the driver's concentration.

Those who have seen evil in general call while driving, typing short messages on mobile phones, read documents, read the billboards on the road, and daydreaming. Play a radio, compact disc player set the devices, also contributed to the accident.

2. Fatigue and sleepiness
Tired bodies will lead to disruption of sensory and motor nerves. As a result, concentration and analytical capabilities in the face of road conditions and reduced reflex ability.

In addition, the tired body usually also followed by a great drowsiness. Although as a natural, very dangerous drowsy while driving. Because the conditions that could potentially reduce the level of awareness, accuracy, and ability to analyze a person. So even with the reflex motion.

3. The driver was drunk or taking drugs
Other causes that also gives the greatest contribution of the accident was the driver who drank alcohol. In fact, NHTSA studies show throughout 2010 and, from the total number of accidents, 30 percent of them are caused by a drunken driver.

Cause this is the second largest after driving while calling. Loss of consciousness, the ability of reflexes, as well as analysis of a person are a few things that caused by alcoholic beverages.

Loss of concentration due to sleepiness can also be caused by a reaction of chemicals contained in drugs. Although the drug is recommended by a physician or authorized by the competent authority, should not take drugs before driving.

4. Hasty
Other factors that can trigger a crash was driving with a rush or hurry. Because, with feeling depressed because of hunting time, people often ignore the traffic conditions and the signs are there.

Feelings of distress that is what causes people to not focus or concentration. They tend to drive a car with an aggressive manner, drove at high speed, ahead of other vehicles by way of an undue, not keeping a safe distance with other vehicles.

In fact, not uncommon to grab another vehicle lane or against the flow. Vehicle distance or trajectory path that violated a relatively short or close, but against the current is very risky.

Because, although we can control the car with quick reflexes, but not so with others. People who are on the right track and rules while driving tend to have high self-confidence.

5. Weather
Although our cars have been equipped with sophisticated devices and we are driving in a way that is good and right, but when suddenly the weather changed suddenly will make it difficult to adjust. NHTSA calls, weather factors contribute 7-8 percent of the accident.

Although relatively small, but it needs to watch out. Because, on the highway, especially on the freeway, we could adjust to these conditions.

However, other road users is not necessarily so. Therefore, if you encounter such conditions should take a break and wait for conditions to improve.