Wednesday, August 3, 2011

the automotive legend Carroll Shelby was accused of sexual abuse by Angelica Smith

Angelica Smith, an employee of Shelby began in 2005 has filed a lawsuit LA County Superior Court today.Obviously, the automotive legend Carroll Shelby was accused of sexual abuse by a former receptionist last night as reported by TMZ.COM.

The automotive legend Carroll Shelby was accused of sexual abuse by Angelica Smith

According to his testimony, Shelby often hugging and groping her in the work environment. He also said an employee of Shelby also have been drugged and raped her at home in December last year the perpetrator.

Claims filed by Angelica Shelby himself and his company against charges of rape and reached more than U.S. $ 5 million.

Hopefully, the truth is revealed and we also hope that the true incidence is not as bad as the legendary automotive alleged in this case.

We do not know Shelby personally. But according to journalists who had several times met directly, Shelby is the individual that exudes charm and charisma and is a private figure of fun.