Sunday, August 28, 2011

Amazing! crocodile fat can be processed into fuel

In the United States, the crocodiles are farmed for skins and meat taken. But another part is not used like a fat crocodile. Every year there are about 7 million kilograms of fat crocodile wasted and only existed as waste. Though this crocodile fat can be processed into fuel.

Amazing! crocodile fat can be processed into fuel
Search of alternative fuels continues to be done, due to the depletion of petroleum reserves. A variety of materials ranging from soybeans and corn were used for processing into fuel. However, what if the fuel we use was made of crocodile fat?

Are researchers at the University of Louisiana in the United States that initiated the process of fat crocodile. Researchers are trying to convert fat into biodiesel crocodile, which can be used by vehicles and help the American auto industry is dogged by problems, due to continued elevated price of gasoline and diesel.

As reported by Caradvice, Friday 26 Agutus 2011, the work of the researchers was published in Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research Journal. Dr. Rakesh Bajpai is a researcher, explained that seven million pounds of fat alligators that can actually be converted into 4.73 million liters of biodiesel.

The high biodiesel can be produced from crocodile fat, since about 61 percent fat mass of crocodiles can be converted into a liquid that is suitable for making biodiesel.

In addition, biodiesel from crocodile fat, 9 percent more environmentally friendly than diesel made from petroleum. The quality is also equivalent to biodiesel from soybeans, compared to most other animal fats, the quality of crocodile fat was relatively higher.

However, this figure was 4.7 million liters of pointless if you see the consumption of petroleum in America who are apple-polish. For diesel fuel alone, Americans burn each year 170 billion liters.

So if every state would bother looking for an alternative fuel is environmentally friendly, in fact there are many things that can be processed. So that no longer depend 100 percent on oil, the reserves are running low.

That way, when it is realized crocodile fat mass into biodiesel, the diesel from crocodile fat this will fill the 0.002 percent of total U.S. demand.