Thursday, July 21, 2011

tuatara is Shelby's new supercar

Shelby's new supercar named tuatara is the result of the creation company founded by Jarod Shelby. The company which started up in 1999 claimed his latest supercar inspired by the name of the reptile from New Zealand.

tuatara is Shelby's new supercar

"Draft specification for next generation SSC (Shelby Supercars) are very extreme. We learned early on that the right name will be the key piece of the puzzle for this project," Shelby said in a statement.

Supercar designed by Jason Castriota is driven oleg twin-turbo V8 engine capable of producing 7.0 liters of about 1,350 horsepower, which is distributed to the rear wheels via a 7-speed manual transmission.

Shelby also offered the option of automatic transmission paddle shift SMG sequential 7-speed SMG for a vehicle that was created to destabilize the position of the Bugatti Veyron as the fastest and most expensive supercars in the world.

"Most manufacturers basically use the base model and the same body shape for 10 years, while only making small each year," said Shelby.

While the company only took three years after the Ultimate Aero, re-birth of a monumental SSC tuatara evolve in sophistication, aerodynamic design and improve the whole performance.