Thursday, July 7, 2011

this man recklessly brings his car up the overpass

Wow! Kunming, China - I can not wait because the traffic is crazy, this man determined to bring his car up the overpass. His actions also create a pedestrian furious.As reported by China Car Times, Wednesday (07/06/2011), the man who drives a VW car output is apparently no longer stand the congestion that occurs on the streets Kungming, southwestern China.

this man is reckless to bring his car up the overpass

He therefore determined to bring his car to the pedestrian bridge so that the car can quickly get to the street. The bridge crossing was fitted with a car its size.

A man who was carrying the child was forced off a bridge because it obstructed the outrageous behavior of this car users. Other pedestrians are forced to be patient waiting for this car is finished crossing the bridge.

Oops, do not imitate it.