Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Russian hybrid e-Auto consumption is 3.5 liters per 100 km with the furthest distance of 400 km

RUSSIA, - Russian car featuring a hybrid e-Auto (e read Yo) through online, today (07/18/2011). Not absurdly responsibility, which was introduced three models of vehicles at once, namely kupe sedan, hatchback and pickups equipped with cribs.
Unexpectedly, downloaders on the first day reaches 51 188 Internet users and less than a week jumped 100 percent to more than 100,000 Internet users. Indeed, most of them just want to know, rather than commit to buying it. However, the number of orders to date has reached 138 800.
This vehicle is being produced now entered the second half of 2012 in a factory near St. Petersburg.

Technical specification data is not disclosed here, only reported if the fuel consumption of 3.5 liters per 100 km with the furthest distance of 400 km. Meanwhile, the maximum speed of 120 km per hour.