Spare parts from European cars are quite expensive. However, it is about the reliable quality. One of spare parts for Peugeot. Auto parts bearing the lion is quite expensive. Well, to take load users older Peugeot, Peugeot spare parts held a rebate program since July 1 until the end of 2011. The program is called by the Fixed Price Promo.
Peugeot gives Spare Parts Discounts Up to 25%
As for the discount to 25 percent offered by Peugeot to do the replacement of spare parts in regular maintenance such as the front of the rear suspension, front rear brake pads, clutch, drive belt, roller, air filter, ac filter, fuel filter to plug.
Fixed Price program is valid for the Peugeot Partner, 206, 806, 406D8, 406D9. There was also to type 306, 307TU5, 307HDI and 307SW.
"It's one of our support for Peugeot owners. We have a special program cuts to 25 percent. Actually, there have been but this was different. Now this piece is large enough, and for many types,"