Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Lady drivers tend to be frequently involved in collisions

Lady drivers tend to be frequently involved in collisions, so the conclusion of researchers at the University of Michigan, USA. The study, led by Michael Sivak and Brandon Schoettle was examined 6.5 million car accidents from police records since 1988 the United States to 2007 and found that accidents involving two lady drivers exceeding their initial estimates.

Of the total sample, the number of accidents that occurred between two women drivers by 20.5 percent, while the driver's collision involving two men amounted to 31.9 percent. Besides collisions involving drivers women and men at 47.6 percent.

The percentage was far from the two researchers had previously forecast that predicts the percentage of collision between the driver only by 15.8 percent of women and between men at 36.2 percent.

"The results show that in certain collision scenarios, collisions between drivers tend to be less prominent men while women are more prominent antarpengemudi collision," Sivak said as quoted by the Daily Mail.

Lady drivers tend to be frequently involved in collisions

In the study the researchers found men more frequently than women with a ratio of driving by 60 percent of men and women 40 percent. Uniquely the researchers found that women are more often involved in a collision that occurred at a crossroads. Usually their car clash on the left side when it will turn right and vice versa.

"There are three main factors associated with the driver, the first is likely to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, it's own driving skills, driving skills and other parties involved in the accident," said Sivak