Tuesday, July 26, 2011

15 established Car Manufacturers Rejects the official rules to mix Ethanol into Gasoline

Washington - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) United States some time ago approved the provision of alternative fuels in the form of a mixture of gasoline with 15 percent ethanol for motor vehicles. Some of the reasons proffered the agency is increasingly scarce fossil fuels and pollutants caused to the environment.

15 established Car Manufacturers Rejects the official rules to mix Ethanol into Gasoline

However, as reported by thecarconnection.com, Thursday, July 7, 2011, a total of 15 car manufacturers refuse. Some of them are the Chrysler Group LLC, Ford Motor Company, Toyota Motor Corporation, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Honda Motor Company, Hyundai Motor Company, Kia Motors Corporation, Mazda Motor Corporation, Nissan Motor Company and Volkswagen AG.

"In addition to potentially causing damage to the engine, the performance of the fuel blend (E15) was also not as regular gasoline," the statement along with 15 manufacturers.

As a result, fuel use was more or less wasteful. That means the owners must be willing to dug deeper to buy fuel. When that happens, then the guarantee of engine durability and fuel efficiency promised by automakers in their products will not be proven.

As a form of protest, the producers sent a letter to members of the Senate Republican James Sensenbrenner. The senator vowed to force the EPA to withdraw its approval of the proposed use of E15 proposed the United States Government.

Indeed, that provision has been established that the use of E15 is only for new passenger cars. The fuel was banned for use on motorcycles, heavy vehicles, for off-road vehicles, boats and snowmobiles, lawnmowers and chainsaws, and cars made before 2000, and the pickup.

The plan, the provisions that came into force in the land of Uncle Sam in the summer of this year.