Sunday, June 19, 2011

You Have No Garage, try to consider to paint BMW in Room

BROOKLYN - Aleksey Korzun (24) was "crazy" and brilliant. Do not have a garage, he was painting the BMW E34 BMW 5-Series favorite in the small living room apartment in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, New York, United States. Well, how do I enter the BMW was there?

This is why we also call brilliant Aleksey. He unpacked car part by part, while the car is left in tatters in the park outside. He already knew how to paint a true process. He also had to suggestions and ways of telling his friend on a BMW forum.

You Have No Garage, try to consider to paint BMW in Room

Aleksey also get rid of all the furniture in the living room and turn the TV lounge as impromptu garage. He then coat the entire floor with newspaper. Then, armed with paint vinyl selection, mask M3, to the hair dryer, Aleksey started a small-scale trials before starting the actual process.

How about painting the door of affairs? Big city like New York it is not possible have thieves, especially when seeing a car with no door and no one to keep. "I havegot back up ,the former first collision .The door was that I put my car while parked outside ,"says Aleksey .

This is how people get around the town hall which is too narrow and expensive. Moreover, it is New York, a city with an expensive rental place and all scrambling because of dense population. If the experts are making a mini city car, and the houses are now also getting a mini, of course the idea of ​​"mini garage" kind of like this may too.