Thursday, June 9, 2011

Purdue Solar Racing team break records: 1 liter for 935 Km as the most economical

Coming from Indiana American, a prototype car called by celeritas is ready to speed faster. You see, Purdue University claim car only takes 1 liter of gasoline to travel 935 miles!

Purdue Solar Racing team break records: 1 liter for 935 Km as the most economical

Purdue Solar Racing team who work on cars even makes it legal for use on the highway, because it was pinned headlights, taillights, brakes and suspension are also standard and mirrors. Currently, the team is taking care of VIN and plate number to be used.

Super-efficient car uses five onboard computer system that manages to produce and coordinate electricity. In fact, the plan going forward, this car will be equipped with air conditioning for users more comfortable.

"We have clearly demonstrated the feasibility of an electric car that does not require burning fossil fuels," said by Ted Pesyna, president of Purdue Solar Racing team.

It takes time to reach one year in designing a prototype and another year to build a machine worth 90,000 USD. The project is funded largely by contributions from companies and several Purdue schools and colleges