Monday, June 13, 2011

Motorcycle ride from London to Thailand for noble mission

BANGKOK - For humanitarian mission of this man is willing to seek funding to thousands of kilometers even though the distance. The man is Phil Evans.

Phil Evans dengan Triumph Tiger 800XC (MCN)

With her ​​beloved Triumph Tiger motorcycle 800XC, this British man began his mission from Jack Lilley dealers in Ashford, Middlesex, England, to the Triumph factory in Thailand.

Evans's main mission is to raise money for charity named by The Lewy Body Society's where this money will be used to assist treatment and treatment of disease.

"I want to raise money for charity in the process, so if you read this article please set aside a little to The Lewy Body Society." Evans said that his father died two years ago due to a lot of this unknown disease.

Evans did a long trip with a distance of 11,000 miles in which the path traversed across many countries including Europe, Slovakia, Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, China, Laos and Thailand.

"I took the Triumph Tiger 800XC from London to Bangkok, Thailand from spring until the summer of 2011 and ending at the Triumph factory in Chonburi." said by Evans.

Triumph is very resilient during accompanying with Evans as the basis of this motor is Adventur bike. Tiger 800XC is equipped 4-stroke DOHC engine with a capacity of 799 cc. Strength owned by this bike reaches up to 94 hp at 9300 rpm and torque of rotation reaches the range of 78.65 Nm at 7850 rpm.