Thursday, June 30, 2011

Max Page, 6 years, can play the Figures of Darth Vader well and naturally

NEW YORK- Now many people in the world who continue to ask questions about who the little figure behind the mask of Darth Vader in advertising Volkswagen Passat "The Force." It's known that.

Because the small Vader is so good at playing the innocence of children as 'becoming' super-hero character. We were repeatedly laughed when repeating back the video on Youtube.

Max Page, 6 years, can play the Figures of Darth Vader well and naturally

If you want to know who the person who failed to raise a dog, throwing baby dolls, and play clothes washing machine, it's him.

Yes, he is none other than Max Page, a six-year-old boy who had played Reed Hellstrom in the series The Young and the Restless on CBS.

Well, some time ago, ABC had time to meet the children from California in a ceremony in New York. When asked about how his role, Max replied, "Yes, your hands will hurt, but I never get bored doing it. That was fun. "

Max himself, including a less fortunate child on his health. According to his mother, Jenniver Page, Max was born with heart conditions less than perfect. At the age of three months he had undergone open surgery to place the device triggers the heart.

"Our goal is not to make Max became famous," continued Jeniver when asked the reason for making ads employing Max Passat. "We hope that through Max every family who can watch the fun," said his father, Buck Page.

Now these people in the U.S. think Max would soon become famous for successfully portray one of the characters from Star Wars is bogus. It could happen given the U.S. film industry is able to move quickly take advantage of a person's initial popularity.