Saturday, June 4, 2011

It's very educated! Fuel Economy Label on Every Car in the United States From 2013

WASHINGTON - This is one way in which the United States (U.S.) campaigning and educating the people choosing fuel efficient cars  environmentally friendly . Starting 2013, through the Department, issued regulations: Requiring all new car production 2013 and thereafter put stickers EPA and DOT.

On the sticker - installed in the glass and seems to be rather disturbing - written type of fuel used, fuel consumption average, fuel prices, the total annual fuel cost, fuel savings of over 5 years and exhaust gas emissions from car use .
On this sticker is also no QD Code that can be read (scanned) by Smartphone, and can directly connected to sites that provide more detailed information about the vehicle. This regulation is prepared for consumers to obtain U.S. government about the vehicles to be purchased.
Nevertheless, there are still a judge, information disclosed on stike is still lacking. That fuel efficiency ratings. For the lowest  obtain the label of A + with an average consumption of 59 mpg (20.8 MPA) to the less efficient D, 14 mpg (4.9 MPA). Application of additional information is still under discussion and yet to be decided.
Although not yet official, the U.S. government allows each brand voluntarily created the sticker and stick it on their new cars from 2012. Until now, no brand is welcome invitation. Perhaps, at the end of the year or next year just appeared.