Monday, June 27, 2011

Honda is allegedly Determined to Create Blue Sky

TOKYO - Honda Motor Company Limited have a commitment to a vision for the environment (Honda Environmental Vision) listed in the Annual Environmental Report 2011. His ambition, reducing exhaust emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the entire global product to 30 percent in 2020.

Honda is allegedly Determined to Create Blue Sky

To meet it, Honda is ready to seek the power to improve the technology, especially in the sectors of energy management, reducing CO2 through mobility and everyday people in the world. Last year alone, Honda claims to have reduced CO2 production of motorcycles, automobiles and power products, compared to 2000. Well, to clarify the company's efforts and objectives, HMC and then create a new campaign titled by "Blue Skies for Our Children". This slogan shows Honda's commitment to be a leader in technology-oriented environment and energy. In addition, five Honda said it also campaigned across the world, is realized with the environmental conditions of each country.