Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Electric Buses of China's BYD is Operated in Frankfurt Airport

THIS is new surprises. China-based car manufacturer of BYD brand has signed a letter of intent (LoI) with the city of Frankfurt, Germany, to supply the city with three battery-powered buses Ebus-12 and two filling stations in the first quarter of 2012.

Electric Buses of China's BYD is Operated in Frankfurt Airport

The third bus will serve as shuttle bus transportation at the airport Frankfurt Airport and along public transport routes leading to the Gateway Gardens. BYD claims that Ebus-12 can roam as far as 300 miles, or farther than the electric buses that exist today.

The heart of Ebus-12 is a large-sized battery with a capacity of 324 kWh which is made of lithium iron phosphate material that penyetrumannya takes three hours by BYD charger supplies power 100 kW and about 30 minutes if using a fast charging system BYD-powered 600 kW.

In recent months, the bus has been used BYD in Shenzhen and Changsha and about 200 more Ebus will be sent to the Universiade Shenzhen at the end of August 2011.