Monday, June 27, 2011

Busy Drivers in the United States would be prohibited from using mobile phones while driving

WASHINGTON - Drivers in the United States would be prohibited from using mobile phones while driving. However, if in an emergency they are still allowed. Thus one of the bill Safe Drivers Act of 2011 which was introduced by MPs Carolyn McCarthy as reported by Detroit Free Press on Monday (6/27/2011).

Busy Drivers in the United States would be prohibited from using mobile phones while driving

If the bill is a goal, it will become a standard reference for the government there to ban the rider holding a cell phone.

"Driving while phoning, texting, or open the application on the mobile phone is like driving in a drunken condition," said the former nurse is.

Some U.S. states already prohibit entirely the use of HP in the car, so it is national in the U.S. yet.

9 U.S. states already prohibit entirely the use of HP, and 34 states prohibit new riders to send SMS.

The bill would also would require the U.S. Department of Transportation to conduct further studies about the dangers of cell phones. And in two years the results should be available.

In the U.S., about 5,400 people died in 2009 because of impaired while driving. Disorder is like calling earlier.