Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Nice! "Hands-free" Camera for The motorcycle rider

WASHINGTON-The biker who likes to do touring, here is a new free-hand camera lens with the width of the Contour. While driving every moment can be recorded as attached on top of the helmet and equipped with a special holder for the microphone cable plugs.

American origin of this product can record in normal position, tilt, even though inverted (180 degrees). At 170 degrees tilt position that captured image quality to reach 960 pixels and 720 pixels, tilting 125 degrees to reach 1080 pixels.

This camera is available mini-HDMI cable to be connected directly to television to produce sharp images (high-definition). In addition, this camera can record the location and speed when recording. Sold from 499.99 U.S. dollars (18 May). Plus, bonus connection cables and pieces of data storage (memory card) 2 giga bytes.