Tuesday, May 17, 2011

'Get Well' expressed by Stoner for Pedrosa, who was facing another injury again

Le Mans - Casey Stoner's hopes, his team mate at Repsol Honda, Dani Pedrosa, who quickly recovered from a new injury suffered again at the weekend. Thus, the Spanish rider can continue to compete in the race for the MotoGP World Championship 2011.

Repsol Honda duo, Casey Stoner (right) and Dani Pedrosa, when fighting in the French Grand
Prix on Sunday (15/5/11). Pedrosa did not finish the race due to accidents
with Marco Simoncelli and Stoner become champion.

Pedrosa seems to have forgotten his dream to pursue trophy MotoGP fight if he had to undergo surgery again - depending on the results of further investigation. Injury was a broken right collarbone in the accident Sirkut Le Mans, France on Sunday (15/5/11), after he nudged the back of the motorcycle rider Honda Gresini, Marco Simoncelli.

After the incident, Pedrosa could not finish the race, while the two rivals, Stoner and Yamaha rider Jorge Lorenzo, can reap positive results in which a winner Stoner and Lorenzo finished fourth. With the results of the fourth series, Pedrosa is now shifted to a sequence of three - before the French Grand Prix races, Pedrosa at number two and was only four points with Lorenzo.

Stoner admitted, he did not want to take advantage of the difficult situation being faced by Pedrosa. The Australian rider was just want to fight fairly.

"This is really not the way I want to reach many points," said by Stoner.

"Jorge had an accident and injury while warming your fingers, and it will not be the best thing for him. Dani accident during the race and a broken collarbone."

Stoner said he was very sympathetic with Pedrosa, who throughout his career more struggling with injury.

"We'll see what happens in the future, but Dani was not lucky with this incident," said by 2007 world champion.

"This should not happen. He also was having problems with his shoulder this year, and now he must face a problem on the other shoulder.

"Of course it became difficult for him to come back again. Luckily he has a long enough rest time (between races) compared with other parts of this year, for the recovery and return rather quickly. However, this will make it more difficult.

"I am very concerned and just hope, hope he can quickly go back and try to fast, due to competition, we all know he's including heavy rivals."