Monday, May 16, 2011

Classic BMW 328 make you so romantic

Classic BMW 328 was first made ​​in 1936. Capacity of 2.0 liter engine has been modified which lead to these vehicles can achieve official speeds up to 230 km / h over 328 to win the challenge Kamm Coupe Mille Miglia in Italy 1940 in a historic performance event that was created back in 2010.

Classic BMW 328

Classic BMW 328 made ​​only 464 units in total and only about 200 units that still exist today, so making it one of the rare classic cars with high price and value

If you know how the course of history and achievements of this car in the arena of competition in its time, you will not be surprised if we find a classic in a BMW 328 with the official auction house offering the exorbitant price.