Sunday, May 29, 2011

'Charger' of Solar Panel is applied for 'Motorbikers'

When driving on the bike, no worries for running out of batteries for mobile phones, iPods, mini radio, or GPS. Live plug the cable into one of your gadgets and move on! How, by buying the Ultra-SOL from Leader Motorcycle, electric power tool rechargeable (charger) that utilize sunlight.

Ultra-SOL from Leader Motorcycle, portable solar charger

Dimensions of the tool is similar to the output of Apple iPhone mobile phones so portable. Equipped with solar panels from Brunton is able to capture light energy and convert it into electricity. Stay plugging in the cable connection from the equipment into gadgets getting low battery, then immediately replenished.

To use the Ultra-SOL, need additional tools such mechanical holder mounted on the handlebar or odometer. One thing that is most important, make sure its solar panels facing up to catch the sun well. This product is manufactured in the United States with the official 250-280 U.S. dollars.