Wednesday, May 18, 2011

BMW i3 is closer and closer

YOU must have heard about the BMW car electric city car i3. This car will be driven by electric motors that power the rear wheels player supplied by the batteries placed on the floor of the vehicle.

The latest information coming out of a source at BMW who said that I3 will have electric motors that can generate power of 150 hp, while the selling price, expected to be dikisaran U.S. $ 35 thousands.

Maximum speed that the vehicle is able to achieve 160 km / h while the sails to reach 159 km. i3 has a very large volume of luggage capacity of 400 liters. The space is divided between the area behind the rear seat tempet and space under the front cover of the muzzle.

BMW plans to produce these vehicles by 40 thousand units per year at their facility in Leipzig. Most of these vehicles will be made from carbon fiber.

For the purposes of the development of carbon fiber technology that, BMW plans to embrace carbon fiber manufacturer dugwells by 8% value share ownership there. Uniquely dugwells is no other company that is one part of the Volkswagen Group.

Technical installation of batteries which are located in this part of the floor, to borrow from Rolls-Royce 102EX which is currently doing a lot of cooperation with BMW Group. Bavarian carmaker is also the center of origin berangkul intimate with Siemens in the development of wireless charging network system to be launched in Berlin, June.