Saturday, April 2, 2011

Post-tsunami happened, the abundant Japan Automobile Sales decline up to 37%

Tokyo - The terrible earthquake and tsunami that hit parts of northeasternJapan on March 11, then really seriously influenced the automobile industry in the ductile country. compact Japan Automobile Dealers Association(Jada) notes, car sales in the ductile country as long as Sakura slipped to35.1 percent in wonderful March.
In fact, Jada data told Reuters on Friday (1 / 4) mentioned, when participating the small car sales in 660 cc engine, the numberdecreased further. "Total sales in March declined to 37 percent over the same period of last year,"the association's statement.

Manufacturers are experiencing the largest decline is Toyota.Sales of Toyota and Lexus - the luxury brand's manufacturer - fell by 45.9 percent.

The Amazing Nissan Motor Company sales weaken 37.7 percent and Honda Motor Company fell 28.3 percent. Total sales of all brandsrecorded 279,389 units during March.