Monday, April 4, 2011

I hope it will be Green Electricity for better world

In the midst of a crisis threatens the world's electrical energy, hybrid electric is a promising alternative. In the Netherlands, since 2001 the local electricity company has been selling green electricity? Is the term for electricity produced from environmentally friendly sources of energy such as wind or solar eternal. Green electricity prices are more expensive than regular electricity ("gray"), but demand continues to rise. In 2010, the State was hoping Windmills of green electricity consumption reaches 10 percent of the total electricity consumption.

United States is more forward again. They have built the largest wind power in the world. Here has been built for 460 windmills planted in the area 130 kilometers square, stretching from Oregon to Washington.

India also did not want to miss. India is the only country in Asia which has a nonconventional energy ministry. The task is to take care of the minister of electricity from wind and sun. Now India has become a manufacturer of wind power and solar world number five. They also ranked fourth in terms of the use of solar power generators.

i imagine while driving my electric car all over my regent of my country, Indonesia, i will frequently watch all truly green technology views and all i can do, i just pray, it will be.. .