ENGLISH - When in 6000 American lives lost each year due to an accident because the concentration was divided by SMS, fuel or phone call. Well, in Britain, a GoodMobilePhones it has conducted a accurate and comprehensive survey of 1859 respondents (visitors) about the use of mobile phones while driving.
The unpredictable result is quite surprising. It records 81 percent to admit to use the phone without a hands-free while driving. How such an obviously illegal,however in the UK it has already happened seven years.
Of this percentage pointed out, the highest 81.52 percent make calls (contacts), and 44 percent send short messages (SMS), mail check to 31 percent and 24 percent to see social networking sites.Of all respondents, only 12 percent said that they do not make phone calls while driving.
It's more worried that of all the respondents, 62 percent were not aware of penalties that could apply to them when the behavior was dangerous. Then, 11 percent were not sure and 27 percent said they fully aware of and use the phone.
"This is really shocking to see how many people still take or make calls without the help of hands-free while driving. Sepereti action was clearly not justified, even if done while waiting for beacon lights (traffic light)," commented Mark Owen, founder GoodMobilePhones.
This condition, added Mark that it really make him sad. Perhaps it need solution for social networking with a good substitute method.