Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Their car is their second home due to nomedic couples while bringing up their children as well travelling the world

ARGENTINA-People say that the car is second home. But in Argentina there is one family who lived nomadic and make his car to be a first house for shelter and travel to various places in the world.

In addition, there are many stories about people travel far just to bicycles, motorcycles, cars, even boats, but all the people who do that always ends somewhere and settle.

Another case experienced by Herman and Candelaria Zapp, they are married couple (Couples) that brought about the Argentine Pampa to four children (8), Tehue (5), Paloma (3) and Wallaby (1), to live and make a trip away with old cars.

For each trip couples are always accompanied by an old mobile home Graham Paige Model 610 made in 1928. While the old car, a pair of four couples had roamed the continent as far as 142,000 miles (228.526 km) with car speed does not exceed 40 mph (64 km / h).

Eleven years ago, these couples never traveling far from Patagonia, Argentina, to Alaska, and in 2004 they returned to Argentina and settled just a few weeks, then decided to go back.

Reporting from autoevolution, Tuesday (15/03/2011). According to Herman, his journey can be complicated to be not happen without the help of people who have their visit during the trip, and will not be planning to end the trip.

In addition, the spirit of travel by car by Herman and Candelaria Zapp will they transmitted to the four children, to continue to inherit a trip to his parents.

How do they survive without working?

To be able to survive or fullfill the need of their families sometimes Herman eat and sleep in other people's homes when they are dropped by in various places.

As for the cost of travel, they get money from the sale of his books which they have written about places of Herman and his family visit.

The book by Herman the first is Dream Chaser, the book is published on their first trip to Alaska and managed to sell 12,000 copies. While the second book titled Spark Your Dream which it was published in 2005 became a best seller in Argentina.