Friday, March 18, 2011

Tata claimed most efficient Diesel as it have been ever before, consuming 1 liter for 30 miles

New Delhi - Volkswagen VW claimed preparing Up Blue E-Motion of which it can consume 1 liter of fuel for 40 miles. It turned out not to be outdone by Tata Nano. Manufacturers from India is called to become the center to build diesel engines for the new Tata Nano consuming fuel 1:40 liters / km as well!

Page of IndianCarsBikes as report quoted, Tata Nano has built a most efficient machine as it has been ever before. Reportedly, the new engine is a development of the IDI's diesel engine on the Tata Ace on which it is a half block of the engine taken from the Tata Indica. This engine is claimed to be well suited to urban traffic conditions in India a solid.

It is not this time only for Tata to make a scene. Since the beginning of this year, news about Tata's new diesel engine was already leaked to the media. New Nano mentioned using 2 engine cylinder turbocharged CRDi with a capacity of 600-700 cc. However, to produce power 20-30 percent was higher than similar-capacity engine.

"This machine will have a capacity of between 600-700 cc like gasoline version. The price is probably around as same as the highest gasoline model today, " wrote the Times of India mid-January. Thus, Nano petrol will be in price range $ 4,000 to U.S. $ 4,900 or approximately USD 35.64 million to USD 43.65 million.

Unfortunately, it is no other information from Tata. They call is still too early to discuss specifics, including when the Indian manufacturer, Tata Nano, will release this fuel efficient diesel to the market.