Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Start the VW Touareg Hybrid Market in Asia

The Nikkei business daily reports as reported by morningstar.com, Thursday (20 / 1) calls, both begin to be marketed on 17 February. Touareg newer generation of standard version is equipped with 3600 cc V6 engine. This version also features an idle-stop system and regenerative braking.

The device is idle stop system to function temporarily disabling the engine when the vehicle stopped briefly in front of traffic signal lights or when it stuck in traffic. As a result, the engine does not siphon fuel ..

Tokyo - Starting in 2011, the German carmaker, Volkswagen (VW) AG will be back to make a breakthrough in Asia, and VW start in Japan. Wednesday (19 / 1) manufacturer launched the Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) Volkswagen Touareg version of the latest generation of standard and hybrid versions of the land.

The regenerative braking device is useful to recycle every effort wasted into a new energy and channeled into the engine when the driver is braking. Thanks to the two devices that fuel consumption is more efficient brand-new Touareg.

"Saving fuel consumption is reached until 38 percent, ie one liter to 9.5 kilometers," the Nikkei.

The level of fuel efficiency is much greater recorded hybrid version, in which it is 13.8 kilometers per liter. "Saving level was nearly two times higher than the previous standard version," said the newspaper.

Hybrid version of the Touareg was equipped with a conventional 3,000 cc V6 engine and an electric motor. The two brand-new Touareg was introduced to the market on 17 February.

Hybrid version was priced for 8.98 million yen, or it was about USD 996.78 millions and the standard version was priced to 6.23 million yen, or it was about USD 691.53 milliond (exchange rate of 1 yen = Rp 111). In the first year, VW Group set a sales target of 1,500 units.

Touareg was first launched in 2003. VW did a total change in the latest generation, in which it was launched in Japan.

As reported by worldnews.com, VW has been doing exploratory previous Asian market for VW Toaureg hybrid at 3 to 6 November 2010. At that time this manufacturer hybrid car brought to the mat of Eco Expo Asia 2010 in Hong Kong.