Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Semper Vivus claimed as the first exotic hybrid cars in the world

Amazing PORSCHE revealed a exotic hybrid car claimed to have been shown at the Paris Motor Show in 1900. This remarkable vehicle is a advanced reconstruction from the Semper Vivus. There are interesting videos that illustrate the construction of these vehicles, but surprisingly, it is contrary to historical information on car Porsche Lohner Porsche.

Porsche's official news section, not yet released details about Semper Vivus data. Definitely, this is a exotic hybrid electric vehicle with two engines that charge the battery with artificial Porsche hub electric motors that generate power.

Porsche also announced that the vehicle is the first car in the world using two sources of energy, that means the oldest and the first hybrid car in history. Hybrid-powered vehicles already exist in the format of armored warships that can move with the screen and the steam engine named HMS Warrior circa in 1860.