Various means have been exhausted including to make hybrid and electric cars. However, the implementation is uneasy because of many factors to consider.
If the car uses electric power, you can imagine how hard for engine factory, because foundry would stop production. In these industries, they support many people on this earth. The number is very large. As the reference quated, last year alone, the number of cars (not including motorcycles), reached 51 million units produced. Thus, the economic element is also very strong to influence the problems..
Therefore, implementing the transition to electrification, automotive engineers are still doing development on the engine components today.
Piezo injectors
Facing Euro6 implementing regulations, there is one of the ways used by car manufacturers - in cooperation with the supplier - is to engineer components that it make the machine work more efficiently. Important component of today's machines to determine the efficiency of the engine is injector, both for diesel and gasoline.
For diesel engine, it is introduced for the latest generation of piezoelectric injection nozzle. Piezo element acts directly on the nozzle needle without requiring an intermediary hydraulic system. In this way, the degree and duration of injector opening (work) can be controlled more accurately.
In this way, there are new options. Currently only used multiple injections are still needed several mechanical components. With the new injectors implemented, piezo actuators and belerka as sensors report the precise position of the nozzle needle to the engine computer.
As a result, the system will control the flow of the fuel itself. Computer machines, in addition to control the vehicle, also can detect any change in the flow of fuel at the injector. Amazingly, the computer can adjust the injector individually (their own).
As a result, emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) can be lowered. Fuel consumption is also so much more efficient. Nitrogen oxide emission reduction achieves Euro6 standards, such as 80 mg / km, from the previous Euro5, 180 mg / km.
Development of hydraulic injector design is also able to optimize the work machine. This has been evidenced by the millions of piezo common rail systems in use today. At present piezo injectors, fuel return to tank can be lowered to 40 percent.
As a result, CO2 emissions in passenger cars using diesel can be minus for one gram per km. Another positive outcome, to supply fuel could use a lower pressure pump. This is involved to reduce component cost.
Magnetic injector
For gasoline engines more aggressively using direct injection systems, injector of latest generation keep magnetic work. According to Continental, they are managed to develop a new XL3 generation injector which it is able to minimize the volume of injection. This is a new option from the system in previous use, ie multiple injections or also known as injection stages (stratified).
The result is a more efficient combustion. Increasing fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of the main targets,it increasingly lower the price of components plus the more affordable price.