Wednesday, March 30, 2011

go green again! Portugal, really Producing Lowest Carbon Dioxide in Europe

Lisbon- Portugal exactly became the European country which is really considered the most green or produce carbon dioxide (CO2), the lowest level in Europe last year, it is under 130 grams per km. According to official research institutions and it was officially reported by JATO Dynamics autonews, excellent vehicles used in exotic Portugal producing an recorded average of 127.4 grams of CO2 per km, while shifting France (130.8 grams per km).

Next ranking is Denmark (131.7 grams per km), Italy (132.8 grams per km), and Ireland (133 grams per km). Distended position given to the Swiss who was labeled as the most polluted country (among the European Union) with 161.6 grams of carbon dioxide emissions per km, followed by Sweden (152.3 grams per km) and Germany (151.6 grams per km).

JATO Based on this comprehensive study, the total CO2 produced new interesting cars across Europe last year declined slowly but steadily, from 145.9 grams per km in 2009 to 140.9 grams per km.