Saturday, March 12, 2011

German won't have lag behind for target of a million electric cars

FRANKFURT- Despite the condition of the world automotive market slumped due to global economic crisis shock, the government keeps going on with the giant project, namely the manufacture of electric and hybrid powered cars. Both types of these vehicles will be began to realize production in 2020 as many as 1 million units.

"The goal, we tried to reduce dependence on fossil fuel and reduce exhaust emissions," commented the German environment minister, Sigmar Gabriel, Wednesday (26/11). The Steps to perform research a national project under 10 years, said by the minister that this project is very relevant at all.

For that project, a consortium of companies has given fund about 5.7 trillion rupiahs. Of that amount, it is approximately Rp $ 1 trillion for the study of lithium batteries as a source of driving a car. "This issue will be discussed with the federal cabinet," said by Sigmar.
The Government is very supportive with this pollution-free vehicles, none other than want to reduce pollution. Of the total units of production, Germany, estimates minister requires about 20% or 200 thousand units.