Thursday, March 17, 2011

Formula-1 (F1) consider to go green related to KERS

One of automotive technology intensively developed by engineers today is to harness the energy wasted when the car brakes. The goal, besides saving energy, one of the efforts is for the more environmentally friendly cars.

Recovery or reuse of energy is wasted when the car brakes are most commonly performed on hybrid and electric cars. This can be done because, the energy is wasted when the car brakes (thermal and kinetic energy), is converted into electrical energy and it is stored in batteries.

After that, the recovered energy is used again. For example, in hybrid cars, energy from the batteries are used to activate electric motor as a supporter of the prime mover (motor fuel) when it is accelerated or step on the gas.

Now, how similar is also done on the race course. In Formula-1 (F1), the way it is called KERS (Kinetic Energy Recovery System).

After seeing the benefits of such technology, some famous auto component suppliers in the world, such as Bosch and Magnetti Marelli, also aggressively developing it today. In fact, now the energy recovery technology, planned for other racing events, such as touring and endurance racing 24 hours of Le Mans. Bosch anticipates to even make a car rally (WRC).

Match Requirement. Although the same goal, it turns out, the practice of making KERS is not the same for ordinary cars or highways compared with F1.

In the F1, KERS is initiated and proposed by Flybrid work mechanically. However, participants who were partly F1 car manufacturers - also experienced a hybrid - can not accept a mechanical KERS granted. They try to develop with these technologies by themselves.

Understandably, issues are related to technology reputation and it is very influential on the performance of the car. Currently, the KERS technology in F1 results have not been balanced with the costs to create it. Because the technology is relatively new and used system selection options are limited.

The latest news, Sunday, June 7 and FOTA (Formula One Team Association) prohibits the use of KERS year next year. Their reasons, the results obtained do not balance with the cost. On the other hand, the FIA ​​is also trying to reduce the cost of F1 car development. To date, only two teams that still use KERS, which Ferrari and McLaren. The result was very disappointing.

KERS in F1 is not suitable for use in hybrid cars. Vice versa. The reason, car racing - mainly F1 - requires a compact and lightweight system. Because each kg of weight and space greatly affects car performance. It does not really matter on the cars used on public streets.

Energy Storage. A very crucial factor in making use of KERS is a way to save energy gained or also called RESS (Recovery of energy storage system (RESS). It is becoming very important, because after saving, energy is directly used or stored prior to use later.
In F1, a successful energy recovered and stored, a few seconds and then used again. For example, when going into corners, the car slowed and wasted energy is stored. Moments later used again for berakslerasi.

The problem is, how to harness that energy when they want ahead of time on the track straight opponent or time start?

It takes energy storage device that can be utilized when needed at any time. KERS technology is what makes it complicated.

In F1, a proposal first offered KERS technology uses a flywheel (flywheel). This system was chosen because of its size compact, light weight and efficient than the other way. The problem is not the flywheel can store energy in a long time. Therefore, other concepts emerged as adding superconducting energy storage. All that makes the energy storage system that recovered so expensive.

In hybrid cars, RESS is one of a series of the most expensive component. Its influence on the performance of very large car because it determines the performance, economic value and other aspects.

Three Ways. Until recently, for storing energy recovered from braking, carried out in three ways. First, using the battery (chemical), supercapacitor (can also ultrakapasitor) and flywheel. The selection is the three specified various factors. All three provide different advantages and those are determined by different applications.
One of the factors determine the characteristics of specific energy and power can be stored and generated by the system. Specific energy is the amount of energy stored on each kilogram of the system and the energy value can be used from every kilogram of the system.