Terrible DISASTER of earthquake and tsunami in Japan has claimed severe thousands of lives. But the potential threat has not been exactly completed. The tough Japanese government is now busy with nuclear reactors and radiation leak caused when dangerous levels are detected at several locations.
Official Government of the United States (USA) has explained that the scattered radiation would not be until reaching its territory, but what about the imported vehicles that come from Japan?
Inside Line (IL) reported that Toyota, Honda and Nissan are seriously working hard to convince potential buyers that their legal products do not contain dengerous radioactive. The three big Japanese manufacturers were also told IL that most of their authorized factories are located far from the remote nuclear reactor, except one of Nissan engine plant.
For the Communications Vice President of Nissan America, David Reuter told IL that the company "will take the action necessary to ensure safety."
The same thing obviously expressed by the Communications Vice President of Toyota Mike Michels. He added, "When the shipment delivered, the imported vehicle has been washed and wrapped in plastic at the processing facility before being sent to the dealer-dealers. This is a normal procedure."
Furthermore, U.S. government routinely check every cargo entering U.S. territory, including checking the content and radioactive radiation and other things that potentially harm American citizens.