Sunday, March 13, 2011

Alternative energy should be more comprehensive and you should consider disconcernable before such as Sand (continued)

As of silicon nitrite itself can be produced NH3 or ammonia gas, which it can also be used as motor fuel or cars in the future. In addition, ammonia can also be used as raw materials for urea fertilizer or nitrogen fertilizer.

If this can be implemented, it will be able to do the repair process to produce urea fertilizer, which it is by no longer use the classic Haber-Bosch process which it requires high temperatures and pressures and it requires an expensive process costs.

In addition, CO2 gas, released during the process can be used in the manufacture of methane, fuel substitutes for gasoline. The burning of methane gas will also produce more CO2, but according to Daniel Herbst of the University of Karlsruhe, Germany, it can also be produced by liquid fuel which it is free of CO2 through a biotechnological process or electrolysis.

Prior knowledge about the use of sand as an alternative fuel in the future still needs to be developed further. But this scientific breakthrough is necessary to get attention from all parties, both governments, companies and research institutes or universities that give priority in future energy development.

This is especially needed to be changed to anticipate the globalization era, the closer, because the issue of energy use or energy management and environmental management will become an important issue of products in world trade.