Monday, February 28, 2011

Miluira prefer to produce classic-fashioned style for Electric car in limited numbers

Today the automotive world has increasingly develop vehicles with base of EV (Electric Vehicle) or electric vehicle. Many major automotive companies have issued their products.

Observing more passionate development of Chevrolet Volt and Nissan Leaf , it makes Takayanagi Miluira of Japan inspired and it seriously try to create the EV as well.

Takayanagi Co. makes a breakthrough. While other car manufacturers were competed with each other to produce electric cars with the latest and even futuristic display, car manufacturer from Hamamatsu, Shizuoka in Japan just make the opposite.

Takayanagi just launched a 1920's stun-powered car classic retro. It is not only that, the car weighs 350 kilograms is also no emphasis on the ability to run with a more distant range, but it focuses on the uniqueness of the design concept.

As reported by, stun-powered car named by Takayanagi Miluira Retro is equipped with an electric motor with a capacity of 3.5 kilo watt (kW) with lead acid batteries and lithium ion batteries are not like other electric cars. "Power home ranges only 35 kilometers with a maximum speed of 60 kilometers per hour," wrote those pages.

The process of charging the battery is quite easy, using home electric plugs. The time needed for a long time is 12 hours.

Only, making wide-eyed people is price. Takayanagi set the price of 6.3 million yen or approximately USD 685.4 million. Understandably, the process of making the car did not use a robotic machine like the big manufacturers, but it is 'handmade'.

Takayanagi open order to prospective buyers who are interested. The plan, sending cars to consumers will begin in March 2011.

Previously, as preached by Kyodo, Wednesday (1 / 12), this car is produced in a small factory in Hamamatsu. The uniqueness of the production process is 'handmade' and unique retro style design with a value of 1920's cars are sold by Takayanagi especially for colectors antique fashioned cars in limited numbers.

Cars without closing the doors and roof with a single seat, the concept is on display in the title International Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Expo in Tokyo on 3 March. Takayanagi targeting segments of the collector of antique cars, because that's a car with a length of 2.2 meters was only produced in limited numbers.