Thursday, January 27, 2011

LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Science) has patented for The mechine of Electric car developed

Transportation ISSUES is often faced including the need for the modes of transportation to restricted areas, such as airports, hospitals, or tourist areas. Conventional motor car or is deemed unsuitably.
Apart from its size that is too large, gesoline-fueled cars produce exhaust gases considered environmentally unfriendly. The motor has a disadvantage in terms of the transports.

Faced by this requirement, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) through a number of research conducted since 1995 managed to create an environmentally friendly electric cars and is very suitable transports power.

"Heart" of the electric car called Marlip aka Electric Marmut LIPI was a drive system with the switch mechanism back and forth (SM3) who have registered patents since six years ago.

"Switch back and forth or SM3 mechanism successfully designed to reduce costs to 10 percent, when compared to the use of some common solenoid for driving the system," said Masrah, designer Marlip the Electric Power Research Center and Mechatronics LIPI Bandung.

Easy Maintenance

Solenoid is a component of the induction system that works when it gets power from the battery system, then push the workings of the motor drive systems. In the latest development Marlip, Masrah modify the electric car with a single solenoid only, while the functions of three other solenoid SM3 replaced with a more efficient and is being patented.

SM3 is a system of manual labor on the electric car Marlip. This mechanism, in addition to more efficient, as well as easier maintenance for its users. This fits with the typical people who have low purchasing power, has low maintenance performance as well.

Marlip production between 2002 and 2006 has produced eight types for special purposes, not for purposes of transportation on public roads. Terms of the maximum speed limit for special purposes it below 50 miles per hour.

"Modification Marlip further can produce electric cars at speeds above 50 miles per hour or equal means of public transportation used today. The development will greatly depend on the willingness and ability to invest, "said Masrah.

Investment research halted

Marlip with eight types are now marketed for police patrol cars, the mobilization of the patient in a hospital, a golf cart, and also for the purpose of touring car. All without special permission from the police because the maximum speed is only 40 kilometers per hour.

According Mochamad Ichwan, who just released the structural position as Head of Research Center for Electric Power and Mechatronics LIPI, Marlip produced with eight types that reach more number of 100 units. Among them scattered in every police district in Indonesia.

"The origin of this Marlip researching electric cars in 1995. The initial idea that surfaced at that time to achieve the idea of a future in the field of transport by using energy-efficient technology and environmentally friendly, "said Ichwan.

Between 1995 and 2000, electric car research LIPI produces drive systems design. The drive system continues to be modified until 2002 registered patent with one of the main claim form with the name of the researcher Masrah SM3.

Ichwan acknowledge, the findings can not yet drive system SM3 juxtaposed with cutting-edge technology that has been applied to the world automotive industry is much older then directs the production of environmentally friendly car of the future. However, at least Marlip with "heart" SM3 as a more efficient drive system that could be the embryo of national automotive industry that relies on the idea of energy-efficient cars and eco-friendly.

To reach commercialization, according to Ichwan, there is no other way through the development of an ongoing research. Investment research in the early stages was a dependent of government, until a certain time while the private sector has not been able to do so. However, since 2008 investment in research for the electric car is stopped.

"Development of research is now directed to the conversion (replacement) or conservation (saving) of fuel various equipment such as diesel engines. The benefit in the future too much, given the scarcity of fuel oil, "said Ichwan.

Embryo industry

optimistic built by Ichwan, so Marlip into an embryo in the domestic automotive industry, has many challenges. Competition with international automotive industry in the era of free market would not seem possible, especially when looking at fundamental problems in Indonesia, as in the maintenance of patents that are too long.

According Masrah, stage Marlip patent in 2009 for the socialization of the proposal claim that technology will be patented. Furthermore, the substantive test of the technology will be what will be claimed to be patent.

"In general, patents can be obtained within six years," said Masrah.

weakening competitiveness

In addition to the slow processing of patent challenges, as said Ichwan, investment research electric cars stalled since 2008 has weakened the competitiveness Marlip. In fact, the world's automotive energy efficient and environmentally friendly is now kept pace.

Several developing technologies related to electric cars in the world today include electric cars with batteries, hybrid cars, solar cars, and car fuel cell (fuel cell). Marlip classified as an electric car that does not occupy high positions because of the competitiveness of electricity in the battery charging mechanism is less flexible as in hybrid cars, solar cars, or fuel cell cars.

The advantages of hybrid car with kinetic energy from the engine-driven fuel oil is able to supply power directly to the battery. Car solar cells can store electricity that successfully converted from sunlight. Then the fuel cell car is now seen as the future of cars is expected because most environmentally friendly and energy efficient with hydrogen fuel.

Deputy Head of Scientific Services LIPI January Sopaheluwakan said, the Japanese with the development of fuel cell car technology is now targeting the year 2015 as the era of hydrogen-fueled car country. The cars are manufactured by Japan and exported to various parts of the world will be changed to fuel cell cars with hydrogen fuel.

There are two reasons most likely to make hydrogen for transportation fuels in the future, namely because the friendly environment with waste in the form of pure water, and hydrogen naturally very much available. Hydrogen gas can be obtained by the process of electrolysis or electricity flowing into the water. This method will not disturb the balance of nature.

For Ichwan and Masrah, they understand very well the difficulties and challenges to make Marlip as an embryo in the domestic industry. However, they pointed out, it is just Marlip initial foothold for the next technology to various modifications, including making it as a hydrogen-fueled cars.

Something that is rarely remembered in an industrial development is to get a foothold early or a strong foundation. In this case, Marlip become an example of base future development of transportation technology are energy efficient and environmentally friendly.

resource= Kompas