Sunday, January 30, 2011

Alyssa Milano buy up Electric Car

Los Angeles, CA - Actress Alyssa Milano was currently longing for a child. If the later, she was given by the children, Alyssa did not want his children to see her to buy gasoline at the pump. Because of that, she bought two units of electric cars.

Two electric cars was the Chevrolet Volt and Nissan LEAF. Besides it was being affected by electric car fever, BP's oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico earlier this year, she had also a consideration to be separated from the polluting oil fuel .

According to these celebrities as d quoted from autoevolution, Friday (12/31/2010) electric car was good and both Nissan and the Chevrolet Volt LEAF will be used for everyday family life. He chose the Nissan LEAF while her husband would use the Chevrolet Volt.

"After the oil spill (in the Gulf of Mexico), I have a strong feeling that if I am blessed to have a child, I never want my child to see me pumping gas at the pump," he said.

Riding ordinary gasoline car, she thought comfortably. However, for the sake of the environment that increasingly suffer from pollution, Alyssa thought it is necessary for lifestyle changes.

"I think it's our responsibility to make changes, we need
decision regardless of its convenience. I know electric cars are not more comfortable, but I'll do what I should do, "added Goodwill UNICEF Ambassador this.